Program Type:
LectureProgram Description
Event Details
Honey bees are fascinating creatures. Besides producing honey, the contribution of bees to the pollination of crops is essential to human survival. The daily lives of honeybees are also marvels in themselves.
If you are curious about how bee colonies operate in a hive, let local beekeeper Lior Shliechkorn give you a glimpse into the unique and complex world of the beehive.
The program will touch upon the lifecycle of the hive and how the bees work together to be successful. This will include specific roles and responsibilities of bees in the colony, how they communicate, their food gathering approach and honey production.
Lior has been keeping bees in Livingston, NJ for the past 3 years and currently maintains 5 hives in several sites. He is enrolled in the University of Florida Master Beekeeping course, and is a member of the Essex County Beekeepers Association. As part of that program, he also mentors new beekeepers who are starting out. He runs Laila Apiary LLC., which is registered in compliance with NJ Department of Agriculture.
This program is free and open to all; no registration is required.