Pomp & Circumstance: A Brief History of Academic Garb & Commencement Traditions

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During this time of year, many of us are tuned into the idea of “graduation,” whether we are participants, celebrating the earning of a hard-worked-for diploma and/or degree; or spectators, viewing the pomp and tradition of a graduation ceremony.

Most people recognize the familiar trappings of graduation: faculty and graduates processing into the venue, appropriately capped and gowned, marching solemnly to the strains of Pomp Circumstance. But people may not be aware of the hidden history behind these recognizable symbols.

Join speaker Meg Wastie as she uncovers the history and meaning behind the traditions and trappings of commencement ceremonies.

Meg was an English and Drama teacher at Columbia High School in Maplewood for 32 years.  She then served as Curator of Education at the Museum of Early Trades & Crafts in Madison for 15 years.  She currently presents programs to schools, senior and adult groups, and public organizations.

This program is made possible with the support of the Friends of the Livingston Public Library.