Nursery Rhyme Time (under 24 months)

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Program Type:


Age Group:

Babies, Children, Family

Program Description

Event Details

Designed for babies aged 23 months and younger.

Traditional storytime with books, songs, and American Sign Language

Please drop in! Registration is not required.


To prepare for Storytime:

Bring your child to the library. Children who visit in advance and are familiar with their surroundings tend to be less apprehensive and more attentive.

Read to your child daily! Reading helps to provide early language and literacy skills, helps build memory with repetition, provides phonological awareness and listening skills, helps children develop a lifetime love of books, and so much more!

Day of Storytime:

Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before storytime begins. Arriving on time gives you a chance to socialize with others and ensures that you will be able to participate in all of the fun activities of the session. We also aim to minimize distractions and be respectful to the group.

Parent/Caregiver participation is essential to storytime success! Adults model good behavior for children by being attentive and listening to the stories and songs. Maximize your storytime experience by muting all devices and saving adult conversations until after story time. (see the bottom for a fun phone song!) Older/younger siblings are welcome too!

Do not bring food to storytime. To minimize distractions and for the safety of the group,  we ask that you do not bring food to storytime. Breastfeeding and bottle feeding are welcomed.

If your child is not interested, it’s OK to step away and “regroup.” You can always try again in a few minutes or another day. 


Unattended Policy

Children under age 12: a parent or responsible caregiver (age 16 or older) must remain with the child or remain in the Library and be immediately accessible to the child at all times, including when a child is attending a library program. 

Parents and caregivers of children attending programs

Parents/Caregivers of children under 7 years old need to remain with their children at all times.